Global styles, such as typography, colors, grid, etc.
An image says almost more than thousand lines of code.
Want to use an image as a background for a div? Here’s the way to do it. By default the content on top of the image is vertically aligned in the middle. For top and bottom alignment you can add the classes .top
and .bottom
to the .row
<div class="bg-image mb-2">
<img src="/brandaris/assets/images/repository.jpg" class="img-responsive">
<div class="row center">
<div class="col-6">
<div class="box bg-black clr-white">
<p>This is an awesome box on top of a image!</p>
<p>We can do whatever we want here.</p>
<a href="#" title="Button title" class="btn btn-block">Button text</a>
Change the opacity of the image by adding .img-overlay-dark
or .img-overlay-light
in combination with .img-overlay
<div class="img-overlay img-overlay-dark mb-2">
<img src="/brandaris/assets/images/repository.jpg" class="img-responsive">
<div class="img-overlay img-overlay-light mb-2">
<img src="/brandaris/assets/images/repository.jpg" class="img-responsive">
Add .img-responsive
to give the image a max-width
of 100%.
Flippin’ images with .img-flip